This topic discusses one of the key functions of MyQ — setting and management of print jobs. It covers the following subjects:
Print jobs global settings: Jobs settings tab
Print jobs list, individual jobs settings and deleting jobs: List of jobs, Editing jobs, Deleting jobs
Print jobs parser: Jobs Parser
Notifying users and the administrator about refused jobs: Notifying the admin and users about refused jobs
Using PJL commands for additional job processing actions: Processing Jobs via PJL Commands
You can use PHP scripts to further process the job after it is received by the MyQ server: Scripting (PHP)
When your brand supports PDL (page description language) check out this chapter: Prologue, Epilogue
Setting up and previewing jobs: Jobs Preview
When you have a dedicated Job Archiving license and the Job Preview feature set up on the MyQ server, you can automatically archive all print jobs that are sent to MyQ: Job Archiving