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Release Notes

MyQ Epson Embedded Terminal 10.1

  • Minimum requested support date: 01 February 2023

What’s new in 10.1

Click to see a list of new features available in version 10.1
  • Easy Print is supported.

  • Folder browsing for Easy scan is supported.

  • Folder browsing for printing is supported.

  • Job preview is supported.

MyQ Epson Embedded Terminal 10.1 (patch 8)

17 June, 2024


Bug Fixes

  • Jobs that were not printed because the printing of the jobs was stopped after logging off cannot be reprinted during the next user session.

  • Guest login button label on terminal login screen is truncated for some languages.


MyQ Epson Embedded Terminal 10.1 (patch 7)

22 March, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Top menu arrow for switching the screens has incorrect rotation on small device panel screens.

  • Installation of the terminal fails when the C5 envelope paper size is used on the machine.

  • Easy Scan with Scan Separated Pages is not delivered to the destination.

MyQ Epson Embedded Terminal 10.1 (patch 6)

16 February, 2024

Please note, MyQ Print server 10.1 patch 9+ or MyQ Print server 10.2 RC7+ is required for MyQ Epson Embedded terminal 10.1 patch 6+.


  • Easy Scan 400DPI resolution parameter implemented. This parameter must be supported by the device.

  • Easy Scan is primarily delivered to the server via HTTP(S) protocol, FTP(S) protocol is used if HTTP(S) is not supported by the device.

  • Skip blank pages for Easy Scan parameter is supported. Supported only on EPSON AM-C series devices.

Bug fixes

  • Blank space is displayed instead of long project name in My Jobs on devices with small display.

  • Jobs printed via IPP are accounted to *unauthenticated user.

MyQ Epson Embedded Terminal 10.1 (patch 5)

6 December, 2023


  • Easy Scan: Continuous Scan via ADF is supported. LIMITATION: Continuous Scan via ADF has to be supported by the device firmware. It is not possible to combine Continuous Scan via ADF and via glass.

Bug Fixes

  • Job preview: action for removing the job from the favorites list is incorrect.

  • Easy Print: User is stuck on the project selection screen if they try to return using the back arrow.

  • Projects: If you search for a non-existing project and leave the screen, all terminal actions are disabled.

  • Easy Print: Credit recharge screen is not displayed if vouchers are enabled and user doesn't have enough credit.

  • Easy scan: Multiple selected email recipients are not displayed correctly.

  • Easy Print: Message for a non-connected cloud storage isn't fully displayed on devices with small screen.

MyQ Epson Embedded Terminal 10.1 (patch 4)

13 October, 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Application crashed if the job preview failed to be generated.

  • Easy Print job options weren't translated, the options were displayed in the English language only.

  • Easy Scan failed if username contained some national language characters.

MyQ Epson Embedded Terminal 10.1 (patch 3)

17 August, 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Blank page was displayed if Easy Print with not connected cloud storage was used.

  • Easy Scan failed for user with space in username.

MyQ Epson Embedded Terminal 10.1 (patch 2)

14 June, 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Characters of some languages cannot be displayed on the embedded terminal.

MyQ Epson Embedded Terminal 10.1 (patch 1)

5 May, 2023


Bug Fixes

  • Can't login via mobile application with enabled credit and quota at the same time.

  • "Default" parameter is listed in Easy Scan parameters on the device panel.

MyQ Epson Embedded Terminal 10.1

2 March, 2023


  • Login screen UI improved.

Bug Fixes

  • Error messages were not in MyQ style.

  • Folder browsing for Easy scan didn't work.

  • Position of the Scroll Bar in My jobs Tabs wasn't independent.

  • Screen for Continuous scan has been improved.

  • Select all checkbox in Easy Print was in incorrect position in active header.

MyQ Epson Embedded Terminal 10.1 RC

1 February, 2023


  • Compatibility with the newer firmware of the devices.

  • UI improvement.

  • UI of the terminal is improved for the devices with 10.1" display size and resolution 1024x496.

Bug Fixes

  • Back arrow does not return user to the previous page in Codebooks.

  • Job wasn't possible to mark as favorite in Job preview.


  • Continuous Scan via ADF is not supported on Epson embedded.

MyQ Epson Embedded Terminal 10.1 BETA1


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