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Easy Print

The Easy Print terminal action allows users to print files without sending them first to MyQ. These files can be printed from multiple destinations, like several cloud storages, network drives or local drives, and the user's default storage.

For information on how to configure the Easy Print action, check Easy Print settings in the MyQ Print Server guide.

When Easy Print is used on the terminal, the user is presented with a list of possible destinations associated with this action (this is skipped in case of a single destination). After the destination is selected, the user can browse it and select files for printing.


Once you have selected a file to print you can change the Release options. In the dialog box, depending on the permissions given by the administrator, the user can select between color or B/W, simplex/duplex options, set stapling and punching, and change the number of copies. After changing the print options, the user can tap the printer icon to print the jobs.

In certain cases, you may see listed some print options that are not applicable due to the queue or printer being used. For example, you may see Staple options despite printing on a terminal with no stapling feature. In cases such as these, this command will be ignored.


After pressing the print button, the files are downloaded from the destination to the server, processed through the default Easy Print queue, and released immediately to the printer without any further interaction. It is also possible to cancel the whole downloading and printing process. In this case, files that have already been downloaded, but not printed are deleted from the server. Files that have already been printed remain on the server and it is possible to reprint them.

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