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Panel Actions

Panel Copy

Opens the printing device's copy screen.

Panel Scan

Opens the printing device's scan screen.

Users can return to their home screen by taping the home button on the bar at the bottom of the panel screen.

To enable scanning on the terminal, make sure that your MyQ server is set as the SMTP server on the printing device Web UI.

Panel Fax

Opens the printing device's fax screen.

Users can return to their home screen by taping the home button on the bar at the bottom of the panel screen.

Faxes sent from Ricoh SmartSDK devices are not accounted in MyQ.

Panel Box

Opens the printing device's document box screen.

Users can return to their home screen by taping the home button on the bar at the bottom of the panel screen.

Panel USB

Opens the printing device's USB screen.

Users can return to their home screen by taping the home button on the bar at the bottom of the panel screen.

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