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Configure Printers and Job Processing

MyQ Desktop Client (MDC) has two possible configuration options of Job Processing, configurable in the MDC setup wizard:

  1. Secure print job forwarding

  2. Client spooling

Secure Print Job Forwarding

If you enable this feature, jobs sent to MDC will be automatically forwarded to the MyQ Print Server over a secure encrypted LPR protocol. This feature requires significantly more network resources than Client Spooling, as all jobs are forwarded to the MyQ Server.

Setup in MyQ Web User Interface

In the MyQ Desktop Client tab of the Settings in the MyQ Web User Interface, make sure that the Job Processing method of the relevant configuration profile is set to Secure print job forwarding.

desktop client configuration job processing method

Printer and driver setup

The printer and driver must be installed on the workstation where MDC will be running. The recommended printer driver port configuration is that the Printer Name or IP Address should be localhost or, as this is the address MDC is listening to on port 515, and the Queue Name should be the MyQ queue.

print driver setup

Client Spooling

If you enable this feature, jobs sent to MDC are locally spooled and stored in the user’s computer. This feature is helpful when the network resources are limited since the jobs are spooled locally and stored in the user’s computer; only metadata is sent to the MyQ Print Server.

Setup in MyQ Web User Interface

In the MyQ Desktop Client tab of the Settings in the MyQ Web User Interface, make sure that the Job Processing method of the relevant configuration profile is set to Client Spooling.

desktop client configuration job processing method

Printer and driver setup

The printer and driver must be installed on the workstation where MDC will be running. The recommended printer driver port configuration is that the Printer Name or IP Address should be localhost or, as this is the address MDC is listening to on port 515, and the Queue Name should be the MyQ queue.

Refresh Client Configuration

After changes to the Client configuration have been made in the MyQ Web User Interface, use the Refresh client configuration button to immediately enact these changes in the MDC.

Only admin users can Refresh client configuration.


After a successful refresh the following message is displayed.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.