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MyQ End-User Guide

MyQ is a universal printing solution that provides a wide variety of services related to printing and copying, but also scanning (document capture), device management, security and authentication, and more. All functions are integrated into a single unified system, which results in an easy and intuitive print environment.

Now that you know the basics, let’s go into some detail so that you can find out exactly what MyQ helps you with.

What can MyQ do for you?


Easy and Secure Printing

Most fundamentally, MyQ is a printing solution. Our system allows you to control where and how your documents are printed, and how your security system works (for example using a pull print solution that verifies it’s you at a device before your documents are released).

Simple connection to various storage solutions means your documents are always easy to retrieve for printing 🗃️.

Intuitive and Personalized Device Interface

MyQ works on the embedded terminals of your printing devices, which may be personalized with your organization’s logo or an attractive color scheme.

In addition, your admin can set-up terminal actions in an optimal way for you, so that in a few clicks you can, for example, scan to your personal storage 🧳.

Cloud Print and Scan

Here at MyQ cloud-based thinking is part of everything we do. That’s why our features are intended to work well for users who rely on cloud storage solutions, for example, printing from or scanning to your storage can be achieved in a few clicks.

If your administrator has set up a storage location for you which you haven’t yet connected to, you’ll receive your scanned documents in an email, which will also allow you to connect that storage for future use 📧.

Scanning and Document Capture

Whether it’s for digital archiving, or sharing contracts across remote offices securely, scanning is vital to many organizations. Our embedded terminals allow you to have digital copies of your papers exactly where you need them, in moments.

Our many scanning parameters are easy to select, and options for continuous scanning and skipping blank pages ensure your digital copies always look their best 💋.

Mobility and BYOD Print

In a post-covid world, flexibility in workplaces is more important than ever. We have a myriad of features designed to suit a workplace that’s on the go.

Our mobile client means you only need your phone to create paper copies of your documents, whether in Dublin or Dubai, and bring-your-own-device printing makes life simple for you, while reducing costs 🌍.

Project Allocation and Cost Centers

Projects, Credit, and Quotas in MyQ help you to stay on top of your print and scan spending and account all printing and scanning costs correctly in a few clicks.

So, wherever you work, and whatever you’re printing, we have the accounting features in MyQ to help you manage and monitor your costs 💸 .

Environmentally Aware Printing

Staying green while printing is more important than ever, and MyQ is here to help.

From eco-friendly printing modes to anti-wastage procedures, our system can help you ensure that your documents are as eco-friendly as possible, without any stress or fuss 🌳.

High Availability in Any Situation

If you’re serious about your printing, you need a solution that works even when everything else goes wrong.

MyQ uses application clustering to maximise your resources at any time, device spooling so you always have a printer to fallback on, and even offline login, so you never have to experience printer rage again 😬.


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