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USB Scan

Printing from a USB is not available as a terminal action, but it can be achieved by using the USB Scan terminal action.

The USB Scan terminal action has to be manually added on the Terminal Actions settings tab on the MyQ Web administrator interface.

Top menu with USB Scan

To print a file from a USB:

  1. Tap the USB Scan terminal action on the terminal.

  2. On the Select the mode panel, tap HDD File retrieve.

    Selecting the HDD file retrieve mode
  3. On the right-side menu, tap Select File from USB Memory to Print.

    Select file from USB Memory to print option
  4. Select the file that you want to print, and on the right-side menu tap Change Setting to Print.

    Change setting to Print option
  5. Configure the print settings, and tap Start to print the file.

    Printing options

Another way of printing from a USB is to tap the Home button on the terminal, then tap HDD File retrieve, and then follow the above process from step 3.

Second USB Printing method

To leave the panel and return to the MyQ menu, tap the Home button, and then tap MyQ.

Returning to MyQ after a panel action

On devices with MX-AMX3 External Accounting Module (EAM) only it is required to use the Logout button.

Logout button


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