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Initial Setup

In this chapter you will:

  • Add your license(s).

  • Create an administrator email account.

  • Set the outgoing SMTP server.

The first setup steps

On the Quick Setup Guide widget, you can set the basic and most important features of the MyQ system:


Adding and activating licenses

Click Enter License. The License settings tab opens. You are asked to enter the following information about your installation:

License settings tab

 Then, Enter the installation key in the field and activate your licenses.


Administrator email

By clicking Enter the administrator's email, you open the General settings tab, where you can set the administrator email. Important system messages (disk space checker warnings, license expiration etc.) are automatically sent to this email.

Adding the administrator email in general settings


Outgoing SMTP server

By clicking Configure the outgoing SMTP server, you open the Network settings tab, where you can set the outgoing SMTP server.

Outgoing SMTP server settings

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