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Recharging credit via CASHNet

The CASHNet payment gate enables customers to directly pay for their credit via a payment card or via a digital wallet.

To be able to integrate the CASHNet payment gate into MyQ, you need to have a Checkout store created by the provider of the service. For the correct setup and MyQ integration, you need to save the following data:

  • Operator ID, Password, Station, and Client Code are necessary for logging in to the CASHNet Web User Interface.

  • Merchant name, Station, Store URL, and Item code of the Checkout store are necessary for the integration into MyQ.

Setting up the CASHNet payment option

Set up the eMarket store on the CASHNet Web User Interface

  1. Log in to the CASHNet Web User Interface.

  2. Open the Store Setup tab.

    CASHNet store setup
  3. On the tab, click the dark blue button with the text Click here to use new eMarket store setup for Storefronts&Checkouts. The eMarket store setup page opens.

    eMarket setup button
  4. On the page, double-click the Checkout store button to open its setup page.

    Opening the Checkout store setup
  5. On the Checkout setup page, under End of transaction behavior, configure the following options:

    1. Show receipt page: disable

    2. Use redirect URL(s): enable

    3. Redirect URL for successful transactions & successful online post responses: leave empty

    4. Redirect URL for unsuccessful transactions or non-responsive online post attempts: leave empty

    5. Append data to the redirect URL: set to Yes, and redirect using HTTP post

End of transaction behavior settings

You can now leave the CASHNet Web User Interface.

Set up the CASHNet payment option on the MyQ Web Interface

  1. Open the Credit settings tab (MyQ, Settings, Credit).

  2. On the tab, under Payment providers, double-click the CASHNet payment provider (or right-click the CASHNet payment provider, and then click Edit on the shortcut menu). The CASHNet properties panel opens on the right side of the tab.

  3. The value of the Currency setting corresponds to the currency set on the General settings tab of the MyQ Web Interface.

  4. Type the Minimal amount that users will have to pay when they buy credit.

    Currency and minimal amount
  5. Enter the Merchant name, Station, Store URL, and Item Code of the Checkout store, and then click Save.

    CASHNet properties

 Recharging credit via CASHNet on the user's account on the MyQ Web Interface

First of all, the user needs to log in to their account on the MyQ Web Interface. To recharge the credit there, the user has to click Recharge credit under Credit. The Recharge credit dialog appears.

Recharging credit via CASHNet on the MyQ web UI

In the dialog box, the user has to select the CASHNet payment provider, enter the amount of credit that they want to buy, and then click Recharge Credit.

Recharge credit options

A window with the CASHNet payment options opens in the web browser; the rest of the steps correspond to the standard CASHNet payment process.

After the payment is successfully sent to MyQ, the Payment successful dialog box appears.

CASHNet tries to connect to the MyQ server via the hostname or IP address that is set on the Network settings tab of the MyQ Web Interface. In case a hostname is set on the tab and paying users receive the "This site can’t be reached / XYZ’s server DNS address could not be found. / DNS_ PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN" message. Try to replace the hostname with the IP address of your server.

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