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Exploded Mode

You can select the Exploded mode for your terminal in the terminal’s configuration profile, in MyQ, Settings, Configuration Profile, in the Terminal tab.

Selecting Exploded mode

For applying this setting, force remote configuration is required.

If the Exploded mode is enabled, the HP native screen is displayed on the embedded terminal.

Exploded mode - sign in

Users can sign in using their MyQ account credentials. Then the MyQ screen is displayed, where they can log in using their MyQ account again.

Exploded mode MyQ log in screen

Once logged in, they can see and use the available terminal actions.

Terminal actions on exploded mode

Exploded mode is also supported in devices with a 4.3” display:

My Jobs on a 4.3” display in exploded mode

My Jobs on exploded mode in a 4.3 display

Easy Scan Profiles on a 4.3” display in exploded mode

Easy Scan Profiles on a 4.3 display in exploded mode

Easy Copy profiles on a 4.3” display in exploded mode

Easy Copy profiles on a 4.3 display in exploded mode
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