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What's New in 10.2

Here’s an overview of some of the new features included in and planned for MyQ 10.2.


Automatic Printer Provisioning and Driver Installation with our Desktop Client

Combine MyQ X 10.2 and MyQ Desktop Client and discover your new printing superpowers.

Desktop Client 10.2 can automatically install printers on your users' computers. Each user will have access to the intended printers, and those printers only.

As an administrator, you can prepare print drivers across your organization, capture the drivers including their printing defaults, and attach these driver configurations to all or selected MyQ queues.

The days of configuring your print environment one computer at a time are well and truly over.

Configuration Profiles for Desktop Client

MyQ X has never tried to be a one-size-fits-all solution, we believe in giving you the tools you need to create the ideal print environment.

With MyQ 10.2 and MyQ Desktop Client (MDC) 10.2, you can create multiple configuration profiles for different networks and subnets, allowing for more flexibility in MDC deployments.

You can use different MDC settings for each department in your organization, public devices, and Bring-Your-Own-Device users, giving you, and your users, all the flexibility you need.

In addition, when using Client Spooling, your print options, policy, and watermark settings are maintained.

Entra ID (formerly known as Azure ID) Enhancements

If you haven’t been keeping up to date with the latest news from Microsoft, you might not know that Azure AD has a new name. But that’s far from all we’re changing in MyQ X 10.2.

Along with a name-change, we’re bringing you:

  • Support for multiple tenants

  • Improvements for sync from Entra ID Connect environments

  • Transformation with regular expressions

  • And a whole lot more!

We’ve also made connecting to OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online simpler than ever, with the option connect all your Entra ID users to their storage automatically.

Your Time is Precious - Don’t Waste any at the Printer

Long gone are the days of typing an e-mail address for scan delivery on a barely functional printer touchscreen, and with MyQ X 10.2 we’ve taken the streamlining a step further.

Easy Actions now let you print from or scan to your storages in a few clicks. Simply click Connect in your Web Interface, enter your password, and you’re set for good.

Even if you aren’t connected online, an automatic email sent after users perform an undeliverable scan will allow them to connect in moments or simply pick up the scanned documents from their inbox.

Stay Secure with Temporary Pins

System security is more important than ever for organizations dealing with sensitive and confidential information, and printing is often the stage in a workflow where it becomes compromised.

We’ve brought in new measures for keeping PINs safe. Simply select the users or user groups whose PINs should have limited validity, and new ones will be automatically issued on a regular basis.

In addition, a new set of security rules will ensure those PINs aren’t easy to guess, with combinations like 1234 or 1111 never being allowed.

New Look for MyQ Emails

It’s no great secret that getting members of your organization excited to read automatically generated emails can be a challenge.

That’s why we’ve created new HTML email templates, allowing you to utilize bold text and links to keep your users engaged and informed.

Personalize all the emails your users receive from MyQ to stay in-line with your company messaging and ensure all the necessary information for your office is conveyed.

Expand the Simplicity of MyQ to your Embedded Terminals

Having a streamlined printing and scanning workflow is vital to keep your organization running smoothly, but it only works if it works everywhere.

For this reason, MyQ 10.2 will include improvements for embedded terminal devices.

A new UI keeps everything looking modern, and easy to understand, favorite actions ensure no time is wasted on simple tasks, and improved address books mean everything goes exactly where it’s supposed to.

User Synchronization from your Google Workspace

Ensuring every user in your organization is correctly included and synchronized in your printing system can be a daunting task.

In MyQ 10.2 we’ve added a new way to achieve this using LDAP to sync with your Google Workspace.

This means you can keep all your users organized, with up-to-date information, and minimal effort.

Many of these improvements are already implemented and ready to use, with more on the way soon. For full details, check out our Release Notes.

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