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Smart Workflows with MyQ Ultimate

Business processes, when possible, should be created with flexibility in mind. Many organizations require an adaptable set of tools to achieve this. Including a document processing tool with a wide range of features and options can help to simplify many otherwise time-consuming actions.

Smart Workflows and OCR with MyQ Ultimate

While Easy Scan is an extraordinary feature that simplifies interaction with Multifunctional Devices in many ways, sometimes more flexibility is needed. As standard, scanned documents by MyQ can be converted into a searchable PDF, but an editable format output is a functionality that can be achieved using a third-party solution or purchased as part of MyQ.

If you prefer a built-in solution, MyQ Ultimate opens new possibilities for document capture thanks to the well-integrated MyQ Smart Workflows.

MyQ Ultimate Features


Advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Output in Editable Formats (incl. Microsoft Office Documents)

Barcode & QR Code Recognition

Automatic Forms Recognition (AFR)

Regular Expression Editor

PDF Signing

Conditional Connector Execution

…and more.

Storage possibilities include a network folder, a database, cloud storage, or storing documents as an e-mail attachment.

Are you ready to start?

Let’s get in touch! Contact us for details.

Why Use a Smart Workflow?

Organize your Digital Data

A huge advantage of Smart Workflows is file organization - pre-define the destination and have your scans placed neatly in cloud folders, local folders, or a document library in SharePoint Online.

As many as 85% of business leaders believe that automation of their workload will enable them and their employees to focus more on strategic goals that are important for business success. (4)

Tidy Up your Documents

Having dedicated software will help with the unification of your digital space by allowing the creation of a robust naming structure and editing the content by using scanner features such as image cleaning and border cropping.

Save Time

Reduce the time needed to set up a scan job, save workers time, and reduce reluctance to digitize documents by 50% percent (1), increase productivity by using a predefined workflow in a single Top Menu action.

You can also add a blank page recognition function to discard these pages and save your digital space user effort.

Prevent Errors in Manual Processing

From a security perspective, having a Smart Workflow can mitigate any human error by the IT administrator and users. Destinations are already specified, preventing any possible data leaks created by scrolling through folder trees.

In addition to this, security can be leveraged by scans being password protected.

Average office workers often suffer when multi-tasking (40% of productivity is lost to task-switching (3)) which can result in greater human error.

Relieve your Budget

With automated processes, individual interaction time with a device shrinks, meaning fewer hours wasted on mundane tasks, that could be put to better use.

Outsourcing part of your software is cheaper than outsourcing hardware and can also present a tangible and cost-effective plus. Even better, all IT support and organization are already included in the same product leading to a comparably lower monthly investment.

“Due to automation, respondents expected an average cost reduction of 24% over the next three years (in targeted areas), up from 22% in 2019” (2)

An additional value of digital workflows optimized for scanning is the greater future usability of the content.

Documents that go through OCR engines are easier to edit, maintain, and archive in the long-term. Also, current working trends continue in the direction of hybrid workspaces, and digitized documents facilitate work for people working remotely or in paperless modes.

56% of office workers feel automation will help them work more efficiently (5).


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